Sediada em Porto Alegre, sul do Brasil, a Santini e Rocha Arquitetos vem trabalhando há mais de 30 anos no desenvolvimento
de projetos nas mais diversas áreas de planejamento, sendo reconhecida dentro do
mercado nacional, pela atualidade e funcionalidade de suas obras.
Santini & Rocha Architects with Perto India!
Construction is going at full blast!
The industrial complex PERTO has official inauguration scheduled for the second half of 2016.
New head office of ADUFRGS
After a year and a half from the start of the construction, the new headquarters of Adufrgs is ready.
Brazil Galvanized Award 2014
Santini & Rocha Architects was awarded for the project of the new industrial building of PERTO Brazil. Congratulations to all involved!